Rellify's Blog

Rellify helps you improve the quality of your content by producing content tailored to the search intentions of your target audience. Success in content marketing depends on your content strategy and the quality of your content. Reach out to Rellify to learn more how we can help you.

The Art of Ending Blog-Posts with Impact

The Art of Ending Blog Posts with Impact

By Jayne Schultheis — All's well that ends well, right?

In this case, yes!

When you're blogging, the final paragraph or two of a post offers a chance to have a tremendous impact. If you've held your reader's attention for the entirety of the article, it means you've succeeded in one of your core engagement goals. And when you're ending blog posts, you should aim for a more specific goal. Let's talk about what the end of your blog post should ultimately accomplish, and how to make it happen.

How do you write a good ending to a blog post?

A common strategy for the concluding section is to re-state the main points of your article. A business that's writing online content, however, needs to do more. A "call to action" is a passage in a blog post that encourages your reader to perform a task. It's a sound strategy to end a post with a strong call to action. Just be clear on your goals, because there are many types of action you could request. Let's look at how you can write killer endings for blog posts that can help you reach your goals.

Encourage engagement and interaction

Get people clicking, re-posting, and commenting!

  • Comments and discussion. Prompt readers to leave comments or share their thoughts on the topic.
  • Social media sharing. Encourage readers to share the post on their social media accounts across various platforms.
  • Surveys and polls. Include a link to a survey or poll to gather feedback and insights. These kinds of analytics can help you shape your blog content and strategy.

Drive traffic to other content

The longer you can keep your audience's attention, the better.

Internal linking. Link to related blog posts or content on your website to keep readers engaged and on your site longer.

Content upgrades. Offer downloadable content (e.g., eBooks or guides) that require an email signup.

Build a subscriber base

You want your readers to be further invested in your company and its products or services outside of your website.

  • Newsletter signups. Prompt readers to subscribe to your newsletter for more updates and exclusive content.
  • RSS feed subscription. Offer an option to subscribe to your blog's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.
  • Invite readers to join online your communities. Encourage readers to join your company’s online community, like an Instagram page, Facebook group, or LinkedIn group.

Enhance SEO and search visibility

Ranking high on search engines should be one of your primary goals, especially if you're making longform, evergreen content. And it should inform every single part of your blog, from the introduction to the conclusion.

Encourage backlinks. Ask readers to link back to the post if they find it valuable, which can improve SEO.

Keywords and content optimization. Make sure the end of your blog post includes terms from your keyword research and appropriate backlinking to enhance search engine visibility.

                                    To learn more about blog posts, read our guide on blog introductions.

Establish authority and trust

Authority is one of the primary factors that makes search engine crawlers rank your content higher than that of your competitors.

  • Case studies and testimonials. Link to relevant case studies, customer testimonials, and relevant guest posting to build credibility.
  • Expert advice and further reading. Offer additional resources or links to authoritative sources that back up your content's claims or main point.
  • Brand story and values. Lean into the storytelling aspect of content creation! Share insights into your company’s mission, values, or behind-the-scenes stories to build a deeper connection with readers.

Promote products or services

If your company sells a product or offers a service, this is the time to let your readers know. If the article lays out a problem or issue, your company needs to be the solution.

  • Product links. Direct readers to product pages or service descriptions relevant to the blog post topic. The products don't necessarily have to be yours. You may opt to include affiliate links if you use affiliate marketing as a part of your content marketing strategy. Just keep in mind that these kinds of links will draw readers away from your website, so do this sparingly.
  • Special offers and discounts. Highlight any current promotions or discounts that readers can take advantage of.
  • Free trials and demos. Encourage readers to sign up for a free trial of your product or schedule a demo.

What you should do before publishing your blog

After you've written your perfectly-crafted conclusion, you might be eager to hit "post" and start tracking insights through Google Analytics. Slow down! There's a few things you should do first.

  1. Make sure your SEO is airtight. Rellify quantifies your SEO efforts and relevancy into a comprehensive R-score. The AI behind the Rellify score covers many factors, including mobile optimization, because the majority of users are visiting websites from their mobile devices. Fundamental issues like site speed and blog design are important, too.
  2. See where it would best fit on your content calendar. Too much similar content posted consecutively can undermine your reputation as a versatile, yet knowledgeable expert in your field. Keep blog diversification in mind as you implement content scheduling.
  3. Is the writing fluid? This is another aspect of SEO that Rellify tracks and quantifies. Readability scores will change depending on the level of topic expertise your target audience holds. Be sure to run a grammar and plagiarism check, too.
  4. Add visual content. Visual content like pictures, graphs, or videos help bolster user experience and keep audiences engaged. They also can help provide featured images for blog promotion on other platforms.
  5. Does every section of your blog have a consistent brand voice? Brand voice is a crucial part of marketing that should impact every part of your process, from headline writing to conclusion paragraphs.

Ending blog posts is easy with Rellify

Aren't you sitting on the edge of your seat wondering how we're going to end this blog post?

Well, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention how Rellify makes every part of content curation and blog writing more efficient and effective. From the very beginning of your process, you'll get expert insights into niche topics and keywords that will help you naturally rank higher on search engines. Not only that, you can effortlessly build smart briefs based on your keywords and incorporate expert AI in your processes wherever you see fit.

Contact a Rellify expert today to find out how you can start implementing your data-driven, AI-advised content strategy within the Rellify platform.

First Impressions Matter - Writing Compelling Blog Introductions|How to Make the Perfect Blog Outline

First Impressions Matter: Writing Compelling Blog Introductions

By Jayne Schultheis — Companies have a maximum of 10 seconds to grab a customer’s attention in a blog introduction.

Have we caught your attention yet?

Blogs are the cornerstone of long-form content marketing. With the proliferation of AI, how you craft your content matters. People on search engines aren't looking for generic text regurgitated over and over. They want high-quality information that provides value — something that grabs their attention and holds it until they've found the information they seek. And they'll give you only a few seconds to deliver, according to user experience data and market research by the Nielsen Norman Group.

Ideally, the quick, authoritative way you answer the question will keep them on your blog page even after they've learned what they came for. Now you have a chance to surprise and delight them with information they weren't expecting.

In this article, we'll look at how to create compelling and effective blog introductions that help convert your web traffic from visitors to valuable leads, and even customers.

The basics of blog introductions

A solid content strategy is one that takes into account every aspect of blog creation — from start to finish. Establishing standards and best practices will make your content process run smoother, especially if you plan to incorporate guest blogging or outsource to freelancers.

Let's say you're a dog food company and some of the goals and standards for your blog are:

  • Boost your SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Build up backlinks
  • Incorporate monetization through affiliate marketing
  • Re-purpose material through other forms of content distribution, such as social media and email marketing
  • Broaden your content promotion

You conduct topic and keyword research and decide your next blog post's focus keyword will be "safe dog foods." Here are some best practices and blogging tips to make your opening paragraph stand out among your competition.

Provide a hook

In school, this is how we first learn to write engaging content for an audience. It's a fishing analogy, and the "hook" is wording that will grab your audience and prevent them from wandering away. A "hook" might be a thought-provoking question, a shocking statistic, or an intriguing statement. It's something that makes your reader want to find out more.

"Did you know that certain fruits and vegetables can boost your dog's health, while others can make your dog sick?"

Define the problem and offer the solution

If your company has the solution, you might want to just get right to the point. A good blog post introduction can state the problem clearly and promise the solution. If the solution is simple and easily stated, provide it immediately.

"Many pet owners don't know that dangers lurk in some everyday foods. Feeding your dog the wrong treats could lead to serious health issues. In this guide, we'll tell you about safe dog foods to share with your furry friend and teach you about foods to avoid."

Establish authority

Authority is one of the key factors that wins the trust of both search engines and website visitors.

"With years of experience in pet nutrition and a passion for keeping dogs safe, our team has compiled this comprehensive list of safe dog foods."

Include keywords

One of the SEO best practices for content optimization is to use your focus keyword or phrase within the first few sentences of the blog introduction. This makes the focus of the article clear to readers and helps search engine crawlers identify your content as knowledgeable and authoritative. Besides the focus keyword, any additional keywords you can use naturally in your blog intro adds SEO value.

Create curiosity

This is like a combination of a "hook" and a "call to action." It entices the reader to discover something more if they keep engaging with the blog.

"Read on to find out which common pantry items can double as healthy dog treats and which ones to avoid at all costs."

Set expectations

People searching online tend to skim text to find exactly what they're looking for. Let them know right up front that time spent with your blog will pay dividends.

"We'll discuss the best fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are safe for dogs, as well as some surprising foods to steer clear of."

Use engaging language

At the heart of both storytelling and marketing is a common denominator: a compelling use of language. Using large, complicated words won't establish trust — unless you're doing some niche blogging for other experts in your field. For the most part, your language should strike a balance between clarity, readability, consistent brand voice, and creativity.

"Let's dive into the world of dog nutrition and discover how to keep your pup's tail wagging with delicious and safe treats."

Include visual appeal

Your blog design should include visual content, like photos, infographics or video content, and it helps to get something at the top of the page to pair with your introduction. You want something that's visually compelling, but not too complicated. And it should complement the meta title and not repeat the same message.

You can include more detailed infographics or photos that require detailed captions as you get further into the content's main body. Some applications, like WordPress, even provide a conveniently formatted section for a "cover photo."

With Rellify, blog introductions are easy

Rellify upgrades and streamlines every part of content creation, from keyword research to blog introductions to analytics. With a custom Relliverse™, a company-specific AI subject-matter expert to identify your strategic topics, you're set on the path to better SEO from the very start. In the Rellify platform, you can keep track of how well your blog fulfills crucial SEO elements with an "R-score." Every single part of the Rellify platform is designed to make evergreen content creation simpler and more effective — and that means a higher ROI and more conversions for your blogging efforts.

Ready to find out more? Contact a Rellify expert today to find out how Rellify can change the way you blog.

Guest-Blogging-Your Guide to Boosting Your Website's Value|

Guest Blogging: Your Guide to Boosting Your Website's Value

By Jayne Schultheis - Your website is doing ... OK. Something's missing, though. Your organic web traffic definitely needs a boost. If this sounds like you, some guest blogging might be just the thing. While it builds traffic it can also help to build brand authority and secure your place as an industry leader. In this article, we'll take a closer look at guest blogging, why it's so important for SEO, and how to best implement it as part of a robust content strategy.

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging, also known as guest posting, is the practice of writing and publishing an article or blog post on someone else's website or blog. Guest blogging is a mutually beneficial strategy. The content creators share their expertise on another platform, gaining exposure and credibility. The host blog enriches its content offerings and attracts more visitors. This collaboration helps both parties achieve their marketing and engagement goals, all while making readers happy.

Why your company should use guest bloggers

Using guest bloggers can help to drive a robust content marketing strategy for any company with an online presence. Here are some blogging benefits that every brand should consider:

  • Diversified content. Guest bloggers introduce fresh voices and varied content, keeping the blog engaging and informative for its readers.
  • Increased traffic. Guest bloggers often promote their published posts on their own networks, driving additional traffic to the host blog.
  • Enhanced domain authority. Featuring knowledgeable guest bloggers can bolster the host blog’s credibility and authority on certain topics. This is critical in the realm of public opinion, but also signals to search engines that you're a reliable expert.
  • Cost-effective content creation. A guest post gives the host blogging platform high-quality content without the need to invest additional time and resources in content creation.

Define your guest blogging goals

To keep the strategy for your business blog crystal clear, you need to first set some clear objectives. If you're not sure where to start, here are some good examples:

  • Increasing brand visibility, website traffic, and audience engagement
  • Boosting search engine ranking and backlink profile
  • Establishing authority in your industry
  • Diversifying content and perspectives

Identify the right guest bloggers

Once you know what you are trying to accomplish, you can think about which guest bloggers are most likely to get you there.

Understand your target audience

Defining audience personas helps you identify the specific needs, interests, and challenges of your ideal readers. This will help you decide which guest posts will be relevant and valuable. Audience personas are valuable in another way: Give them your guest bloggers to help them understand the people you are creating content for.

Find and evaluate potential guest bloggers

You might have to tap into several key sources to find potential guest bloggers. Industry experts and influencers are ideal candidates because their insights and authority can add significant value to your blog. They also have audiences that will follow them to your website. Engaged followers and customers can also be excellent contributors, bringing authentic perspectives and showing a strong connection with your brand.

Scouting on social media, professional networks, and relevant blogging communities can turn up good candidates as well.

Before you give them the green light, review their past work and credentials to make sure they have the expertise and writing skills needed to produce high-quality content. Assess how well they fit with your brand and audience. Their voice, style, and topics should align with your blog’s goals and resonate with your readers.

When you contact potential guest bloggers, personalize your outreach and highlight mutual benefits for both your organization and the individual. Every interaction should reflect your brand's professionalism and expertise. Include all of the necessary information such as guest post guidelines, content ideas, the submission process, deadlines, and any other relevant details. Many guest bloggers will write for free, simply to increase their exposure and obtain backlinks. Some may ask for a fee, however.

Manage submissions and content

The best way to keep the submission process streamlined is to establish clear guidelines and workflow.

A guest blogger might tell you what they will write about or might accept direction from you on the topic and the ground to cover. It helps to give the guest blogger a roadmap — a content brief and outline — for how you'd like your content to flow. For SEO purposes, it will include keywords, the focus keyword, text length, tone — everything they need to know about your content guidelines.

Promote guest content

Content optimization and airtight keyword research certainly can boost your ranking on SERPs. However, that doesn't mean you should just publish the blog and forget about it! Content collaboration has the added touch of personal value, something that's invaluable in today's widely-AI-generated landscape.

A key part of guest blogging is creative, targeted content distribution. Try using social media promotion and newsletters to promote the article. At the same time, encourage guest bloggers to share the article on their channels. Respond to feedback and engage in discussion with consumers and other industry leaders in the blogging community.

Measure the impact of guest blogging

Once you've published and promoted your guest blog, your last step involves quantifying its impact. That's right — you've got some number crunching to do. Or rather, your tools have some number crunching to do.

Look at your chosen KPIs, like organic traffic, engagement, backlinks, bounce rate, and conversions. You can find these types of metrics with web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Rellify can pull these kinds of metrics directly into our platform after publication.

From the KPIs you've tracked and information you've gathered, you should begin comparing your outcomes with your initial goals. How well did they match up? Was there anything that could have been done differently to strengthen the impact of your web content?

Adjust your strategies as-needed, and assess whether the guest blog was an overall success. Going forward, would you ask them to guest blog again? Is there someone else who might be a better match for your blog's goals, tone, or style? How has the entire experience shaped the way you approach blogging outreach, content creation, and collaboration? Shape your process according to your newfound knowledge.

Make guest blogging more effective with Rellify

Rellify's content marketing platform can make working with guest bloggers a breeze. It's easy to welcome them into the system so they can write there, if they choose, and the platform is clean and simple to use.

Rellify enables writers and editors to collaborate directly. They can work on the document at the same time. Timely feedback makes sure contributors are informed and can make necessary adjustments quickly. Rellify's "comments" feature enables immediate, direct feedback for writers and editors. They can talk to each other through the comments to make sure the content reflects your editorial guidelines.

Our platform can keep everyone on the same page, whether it's building out a content calendar, exploring keywords, or KPI monitoring.

Optimizing posts for SEO benefits

This is Rellify's bread and butter. Our Relliverse™ — your company-specific AI subject-matter expert — uses deep machine learning to find the best topics to write about and the best keywords to use. In addition to that guidance, the Rellify platform helps you form effective meta descriptions, meta titles, and subtitles. Our AI-powered platform gives real-time feedback on the quality of the article, showing the way to content that's set up for success.

There's no shortage of blogging opportunities out there for those who are excited to share their expertise and engage with brands. If you're ready to take your website to the next level and boost your content marketing returns, adding guest blogs to your publishing schedule might just be the right choice.

Fortunately, the Rellify platform provides everything you need to begin your venture into guest blogging. With Rellify, there's no more guesswork. Just data-driven results.

Want to find out more about how Rellify can be an asset to not just your guest blogs, but your entire content strategy? Schedule a meeting with a Rellify expert to see exactly what Rellify can do for your business.

Analyzing Website Data with Web Analytics Tools

Why You Should Be Using Web Analytics Tools to Track your SEO

Web analytics tools are the secret to good SEO, and SEO is what makes the world wide web go around! Search engine optimization is the practice of constructing online content in a way that leads search engines and readers to decide you're a reliable, knowledgeable source of information. If your SEO is good, search engines may position YOUR content as the primary source when users search for answers.

But how do you know whether your pages are ranking? How do you know how much organic traffic your content is getting? Web analytics tools are the key to tracking your KPIs (key performance indicators) and learning whether you're out-ranking your competition. In this article, we'll show you how web analytics tools can help your content reach its highest potential.

What search engines look for

How do you improve organic traffic? You have to send the right signals to search engines that let them know you're a trustworthy authority and that users will get exactly what they're looking for when they click on your web page. Several key factors influence a webpage's ranking on SERPs. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Relevance of content. The content's relevance to the search query is crucial. Pages that closely match the intent behind a user's search are more likely to rank higher. At Rellify, we distill this down to an "R-score" that gives you a numerical representation of how well you've optimized your content.
  • Quality of content. High-quality content that is well-written, informative, engaging, and structured properly tends to perform better in search results. This includes factors such as readability, comprehensiveness, and originality.
  • User experience (UX). Factors like dwell time, bounce rate, and click-through rate contribute to a page's ranking. Pages that provide a positive user experience and satisfy user intent are more likely to rank well.
  • Domain authority. This is the overall authority and trustworthiness of a domain. It's determined by factors like age, history, formatting, and quality of content.

Now that you know what kind of ranking factors search engines use, let's move on to ways to track your website's efficacy in all these categories. The solution: web analytics tools.

What kinds of KPIs can web analytics tools provide?

Web analytics tools are software platforms designed to track, measure, and analyze a website's performance and user behavior. These tools collect data from website visitors and interactions. They present insights to help website owners and marketers understand how their sites are performing and how users engage with their content.

Organic traffic

This metric shows the number of visitors who land on your website through unpaid (organic) search engine results. It helps gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts in driving traffic.

Keyword rankings

Web analytics tools often track the rankings of your website for specific keywords in SERPs. Monitoring keyword rankings helps you understand which keywords are driving traffic and where you could use some improvement.

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on your website's link in search results after seeing it. It's an important indicator of how compelling your titles and meta descriptions are and how well your website is positioned in search results.

Bounce rate

This refers to the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your website after viewing only one page. High bounce rates could mean that visitors aren't finding what they're looking for or that your landing pages need optimization.

Conversion rate

Conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. Understanding conversion rates helps evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO strategy in generating valuable actions.

Pages per session

This metric indicates the average number of pages a visitor views during one session on your website. Higher pages per session generally mean greater engagement and interest in your content.

Time on page

This element of technical SEO is how long visitors spend on a particular page of your website. It helps assess the relevance and quality of your content. If visitors spend more time, it suggests they think the content is valuable.

Backlink analysis

Some web analytics tools provide insights into the backlinks pointing to your site. Backlinks are crucial for SEO as they signal to search engines the authority and relevance of your website.

Crawl errors and indexing issues

Web analytics tools may also detect crawl errors and indexing issues that could affect your site's visibility in search results. Addressing these issues quickly can improve your SEO performance and website traffic.

Mobile analytics

Many web analytics tools offer mobile analytics capabilities. They can track and analyze visitor behavior on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. Mobile optimization for your website is particularly critical, as so much of our web surfing occurs on our phones.

Page speed

Page speed, the time it takes for a web page to load, is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. Web analytics tools provide insights and recommendations to optimize page speed for better performance, particularly on mobile devices where fast loading times are crucial.

What are some web analytics tools?

Each analytics software tool has a different price point and provides different features. With all the options out there, you may find one with the right balance of price, features, and usability.

Ahrefs. A comprehensive SEO toolset that includes website analytics features such as site audits, keyword research, backlink analysis, and rank tracking.

SEMrush. Another all-in-one website analytics tool that offers features like keyword research, competitive analysis, site audits, rank tracking, backlink analysis and content optimization.

Moz. Provides tools for keyword research, rank tracking, site audits, backlink analysis, local SEO, and content optimization. Moz also offers browser extensions like MozBar for on-page SEO analysis.

Google Search Console. A free tool provided by Google that helps monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search results. Its dashboard provides insights into search volume, indexing status, and keyword performance.

Google Analytics. While primarily a web analytics tool, Google Analytics offers valuable insights for SEO, including organic search traffic analytics, user behavior data, and conversion tracking.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider. A website crawler that helps identify technical SEO issues such as broken links, duplicate content, missing metadata, and other on-page optimization issues.

Yoast SEO. A popular WordPress plugin that helps optimize on-page SEO elements such as titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content readability.

UberSuggest. Provides keyword research, content ideas, backlink data for link building, and site audit features to help users improve their SEO performance.

The Rellify difference

All these tools can be helpful, and many digital marketers use more than one. That can become a complicated, time-consuming effort, though. Rellify makes monitoring your content's performance simple by integrating it into your content process. After publishing, you simply add your URL to the file in our content platform and click on “Monitoring.” Data and insights are imported directly from web analytics tools into the platform. No more switching from tool to tool, and staying on top of each one's updates.

Rellify is the all-in-one content marketing platform. We remove the guesswork from content creation, enabling you to decide what topics to cover by using a custom-AI subject-matter expert trained on your relevant focus topics.

Our guided workflow will give you a productivity boost as you create relevant content at scale and fully leverage generative AI faster than ever before.

And you can get great SEO results by optimizing your content for search engine results with detailed AI suggestions. That, along with our built-in monitoring dashboard, means you never miss an opportunity to improve your content.

Curious about how Rellify can revolutionize your content strategy, production, and monitoring? Schedule a free demo with one of our experts today!

How to Make the Perfect Blog Outline|We can see where in Rellify's platform the outline function can be activated|click the "generate outline" button to make an AI blog outline

How to Make the Perfect Blog Outline

By Jayne Schultheis - Welcome to Blogging 101! Grab your pen and paper (who are we kidding ... smartphone or laptop). We're taking the first step in any successful piece of digital writing: a solid blog outline. Although these tips would be helpful in any content context, we're going to be looking at how to successfully craft an outline within the Rellify platform. Let's get started.

Why you should make a blog outline

Before you jump into anything, you should know the why behind blog outlines.

  1. It helps organize your thoughts. An outline, in any context, organizes a seamless, logical flow for the points you're trying to make.
  2. An outline keeps you focused on your main points and makes it easy to identify the information needed to flesh out those points. No veering off-topic.
  3. It saves time during the writing process. It will help the writers work efficiently — no effort wasted researching and crafting material that only will be cut before publication. By providing a clear roadmap to the writer, the editor or blog publisher greatly reduces the need to send a piece back for revision. In article after article, the editor — freed from the heavy lifting of restructuring a piece — will have an easier time maintaining a consistent structure, style, and brand voice.
  4. Last but not least, it will help readers trying to follow along. Similarly, it will help search engine bots to quickly assess an article and rate it highly for its tight structure.

Although it might seem like something that slows down your content creation pipeline, it's an extremely cost-effective step. Blog outlines are a perfect example of the saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

How to make an expert blog outline in Rellify

Making a clear, concise outline is one of the keys to creating SEO-optimized, evergreen content that boosts your web traffic and bolsters your conversion rate.

That's why, in Rellify, we've made the process simple, and you never have to leave the platform itself.

In the "Brief" tab, navigate over to the "outline" section. On the far left, under "content strategy," you'll see all the words you've selected through your keyword research. On the right, you see that field titled "Outline." When you open the article, it will be blank. Clicking on the "Generate outline" button will generate an AI-created outline.

If you want to create the outline yourself, place your cursor into that empty field and click the small "+" button that appears. You can designate the hierarchy of your headlines by choosing H1 for the main title, H2 for subheads, and H3 for lower subheads. We don't recommend incorporating many H4 headings, as it tends to lower your content optimization.

Once you've created your headlines, you're ready to start adding keywords under each heading to further shape your blog article outline.

The highlighted green words are the ones that will have the most impact on your SEO, they should be the pillars of your content. When you're deciding how you want to structure your article, keep these words at the front of your mind.

Rellify's drag and drop feature makes adding keywords simple. Simply click on the word you want to include and drag it to the area underneath your chosen corresponding headline.

Once you have your outline expertly crafted to fulfill your content's goals, you can switch over to the "Write" tab, and hit "Paste outline from brief." This will duplicate your outline directly into the text box.

Pro tip for blogs: A good outline has a main point, which you state in the introduction. The rest of the subheadings in the body of your blog should be supporting evidence or expansion on your main point. Your conclusion section re-states your main point, and usually provides a call to action.

Using AI in your blog outline process

In the world of content marketing, heavy use of AI isn't everyone's cup of tea. But it might just be yours. Rellify let's you incorporate AI where and when you see fit. Within the Outline section, you'll notice to the right a "generate outline" button. This is one of Rellify's exclusive features that does all the heavy lifting for you. The AI-generated outline, based on our deep dive into web content, will also recommend where the keywords should be used. If the AI-generated outline doesn't suit your vision, you can make any personalization or tweaks you'd like. Delete subheads, add new ones. Click into a subhead and rewrite it, or drag and drop them into new positions. You also can add, delete or change the questions and keywords as a way of prompting the AI and generate a new outline.

Speaking of tweaks, if you think a particular subhead isn't quite right, click on it and press the AI-Generation icon to the right of it. It quickly show a few new headlines to choose from. Click on the one you like and it will pop into place.

Rellify can help

Rellify is the tool you need to make a great blog. But more than that, Rellify's processes make content creation simpler for you to navigate, and more effective.

Blog outlines are just part of the puzzle. Rellify also uses gap analysis to crawl the websites of your top competitors to figure out exactly what your content will need to climb the search engine rankings and knock them out of their top spots. With better keywords expertly matching user intent in search queries, your content is set to start raking in more organic traffic, boosting engagement, and promoting quality lead generation. You can even track your content's analytics directly within the Rellify platform.

No matter what your content goals are, Rellify can help. Contact a Rellify expert today for a quick demo to see how Rellify can increase your content marketing ROI by 10x.

The success of technical SEO can be measured through improved crawlability, faster page load times, and enhanced search engine indexing efficiency. Mobile SEO In this subset of SEO, you set up your site to rank for searches on mobile devices and to provide a great user experience. It's hard to overstate the importance of mobile website design, because Google uses mobile-first indexing. The mobile version of your site is what counts for SERP. A key element in mobile optimization is using responsive web design (RWD) so your pages adjust to the size of the display window. What caused my ranking drop? Don't panic! There are plenty of reasons that content droops in the rankings. Some might be an oversight on your part, but the factors may be out of your control. Either way, you can solve the puzzle. Your competitors are outpacing you One significant factor that leads to a ranking drop in SEO is the efforts of your competition. They, too, are launching new pages, updating content, and producing fresh content. When competitors optimize their websites with high-quality, relevant, and engaging content, search engines may re-evaluate and rank these newer pages over yours. If your website fails to keep pace, you might see a drop in search engine rankings. In content marketing, you are either gaining ground or losing it. Standing pat means your content becomes comparatively outdated and less relevant to user queries. Search engines have updated Google and other search engines update their algorithms periodically to make sure users get the most relevant and useful information. As digital marketers know all too well, a core update by Google can damage SERP rankings. Google adjusts how bots evaluate and rank websites based on things like content relevance, site speed, and backlinks. Even websites that are well-optimized can see lower search rankings if they don't meet the updated standards. It's not just the search engine algorithms that change. Google regularly changes its format and SERP layout. For example, it has been exploring how generative content will be integrated into results and featured snippets. Such changes can affect your visibility, perhaps by giving more space to Google "rich results" like images, rating stars, featured snippets, and knowledge panels. Online marketers must stay up-to-date with these changes and react if they coincide with changes in web traffic KPIs. Broken links Broken links disrupt the user experience and prevent search engine crawlers from accessing and indexing site content effectively. These dead links can lead to higher bounce rates and reduce a website's credibility. They signal to search engines that the site is poorly maintained, and search engines prioritize websites with seamless navigation and functional links. Your product team is making changes Changes made by the product team, such as a new product release, could inadvertently affect SERP rankings. Such changes might disrupt key elements like site structure, SEO-friendly URL patterns, and on-page content. They also could create broken links or modify previously optimized content, leading to decreased crawlability and relevance in search engines. If your rankings drop after updates and similar events, check for unintended SEO changes. On-page oversights Sometimes, nitty-gritty details get overlooked in your content production. For example, pages are pushed out with a "noindex" tag, which tells search engines not to index these pages. Of course, that leads to reduced visibility in search results. Heavy use of JavaScript can impede search engine bots from effectively reading and indexing pages, as not all bots can process JavaScript well. Also, changes in internal linking can disrupt the site's structure and navigation. It causes search engines to misinterpret the website's hierarchy, reducing the effectiveness of internal link signals and hurting rankings. How do I fix a drop in rankings? We're so glad you asked, because this is Rellify's bread and butter! It's hard to keep up with all the problems that can plague a website's performance, but Rellify's experts specialize in SEO audits. As content optimization experts, we're able to quickly assess your web content and content marketing efforts. We can identify exactly where pain points are, and how to best address them. We can generate for clients a Relliverse™, a custom-AI subject-matter expert trained on their relevant focus topics. With that, we show you how to choose the best topics to write about. You can create relevant content at scale and fully leverage generative AI faster than ever before. If the rankings for that content ever slips, our monitoring will alert you. Check the top rankings for the search terms that you used to rank higher on. What is your competition doing with that content that you aren't? Are you missing important information? Is something out of date? Our AI-powered platform will guide you to update your content effectively. Our R-Score grades the effectiveness of each article and gives detailed instructions on how to improve readability and SEO. Within the Rellify platform itself, you can monitor insights imported from Google Search Console and Google Analytics for each article and your entire domain. You don't need a mishmash of outside tools. Rellify gives you the power to analyze your site and the individual pages, pointing out issues like duplications, missing redirects, broken links, missing ALT tags, and much more. We can give you the keys to Rellify so you can do this all yourself. However, finding the root cause of ranking drops can be a highly-technical puzzle. It's not necessarily cut and dry. Rellify's experts know how to analyze the insights from our SEO tools, and we can address Google ranking drops and employ conversion rate optimization for you. Rellify knows what to do! We know that a drop in SERP rankings can be a setback when you're trying to reach potential readers and customers. Fortunately, Rellify has all the tools, knowledge, and resources you need to conduct a full-scale content audit and re-vamp content. No more guessing. No more headaches. Just informed choices. Unlike Chat GPT and similar models that excel in general tasks, our Relliverse™ is a specialized language model meticulously crafted to address your unique content strategy needs. Create content that's relevant, optimized, and ready to be found by the right people. And never miss an opportunity to improve your content. Ready to see how Rellify is different? Schedule a free consultation and demo today to find out exactly how your company could benefit from our custom, AI-powered content solution. About the author Jayne Schultheis has been in the business of crafting and optimizing articles for five years and has seen Rellify change the game since its inception. With strategic research, a strong voice, and a sharp eye for detail, she’s helped many Rellify customers connect with their target audiences. The evergreen content she writes helps companies achieve long-term gains in search results Her subject expertise and experience covers a wide range of topics, including tech, finance, food, family, travel, psychology, human resources, health, business, retail products, and education. Here is what you should do when your search rankings drop|

What You Should Do If You Experience an SERP Ranking Drop

By Jayne Schultheis

If you've ever checked your search engine rankings and started panicking due to an unexpected dip in your content's performance, you're in the right place. We're going to explore the reasons this happens, and give helpful tips for getting your content back to its peak performance.

Let's start with some SEO basics that affect your content's performance and, if not handled well, cause ranking drops.

Understanding SEO fundamentals

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERP). This is accomplished through techniques like keyword optimization, proper content creation, and technical improvements to websites and individual pages. The goal is to attract organic traffic by making the website more relevant and authoritative in the eyes of search engines and users. Here's a look at some important types of SEO.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings and attract more relevant traffic. It involves elements like content quality, keyword usage, meta tags, and internal linking. Its effectiveness can be measured through metrics such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, bounce rates, and page speed, that indicate how well the optimized pages are performing in search engine results and user engagement.

On-page SEO must be in the bones of your content production.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO involves factors outside of the website itself that affect its search engine rankings. It primarily focuses on building high-quality backlinks from other reputable sites, social media marketing, and online brand mentions. The effectiveness of off-page SEO can be measured through metrics like link building, domain authority, referral traffic, and social signals, which collectively indicate the website's credibility and popularity on the internet.

Local SEO

Local SEO is part of off-page SEO. It focuses on search results for location-specific queries, helping businesses attract customers from their geographic area. It involves strategies like optimizing Google My Business listings, using local keywords, and acquiring customer reviews. How do you measure the effectiveness of local SEO? Through metrics such as local search rankings, online reviews and ratings, local citation volume, and the amount of traffic from local searches.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website's infrastructure to enable search engines to crawl and index it effectively, boosting overall performance and user experience. Key elements include:

  • Configuring the robots.txt file to guide search engine bots
  • Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to outline the website's structure
  • Implementing canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues

The success of technical SEO can be measured through improved crawlability, faster page load times, and enhanced search engine indexing efficiency.

Mobile SEO

In this subset of SEO, you set up your site to rank for searches on mobile devices and to provide a great user experience. It's hard to overstate the importance of mobile website design, because Google uses mobile-first indexing. The mobile version of your site is what counts for SERP. A key element in mobile optimization is using responsive web design (RWD) so your pages adjust to the size of the display window.

What caused my ranking drop?

Don't panic! There are plenty of reasons that content droops in the rankings. Some might be an oversight on your part, but the factors may be out of your control. Either way, you can solve the puzzle.

Your competitors are outpacing you

One significant factor that leads to a ranking drop in SEO is the efforts of your competition. They, too, are launching new pages, updating content, and producing fresh content. When competitors optimize their websites with high-quality, relevant, and engaging content, search engines may re-evaluate and rank these newer pages over yours.

If your website fails to keep pace, you might see a drop in search engine rankings. In content marketing, you are either gaining ground or losing it. Standing pat means your content becomes comparatively outdated and less relevant to user queries.

Search engines have updated

Google and other search engines update their algorithms periodically to make sure users get the most relevant and useful information. As digital marketers know all too well, a core update by Google can damage SERP rankings. Google adjusts how bots evaluate and rank websites based on things like content relevance, site speed, and backlinks. Even websites that are well-optimized can see lower search rankings if they don't meet the updated standards.

It's not just the search engine algorithms that change. Google regularly changes its format and SERP layout. For example, it has been exploring how generative content will be integrated into results and featured snippets. Such changes can affect your visibility, perhaps by giving more space to Google "rich results" like images, rating stars, featured snippets, and knowledge panels.

Online marketers must stay up-to-date with these changes and react if they coincide with changes in web traffic KPIs.

Broken links

Broken links disrupt the user experience and prevent search engine crawlers from accessing and indexing site content effectively. These dead links can lead to higher bounce rates and reduce a website's credibility. They signal to search engines that the site is poorly maintained, and search engines prioritize websites with seamless navigation and functional links.

Your product team is making changes

Changes made by the product team, such as a new product release, could inadvertently affect SERP rankings. Such changes might disrupt key elements like site structure, SEO-friendly URL patterns, and on-page content. They also could create broken links or modify previously optimized content, leading to decreased crawlability and relevance in search engines. If your rankings drop after updates and similar events, check for unintended SEO changes.

On-page oversights

Sometimes, nitty-gritty details get overlooked in your content production. For example, pages are pushed out with a "noindex" tag, which tells search engines not to index these pages. Of course, that leads to reduced visibility in search results. Heavy use of JavaScript can impede search engine bots from effectively reading and indexing pages, as not all bots can process JavaScript well. Also, changes in internal linking can disrupt the site's structure and navigation. It causes search engines to misinterpret the website's hierarchy, reducing the effectiveness of internal link signals and hurting rankings.

How do I fix a drop in rankings?

We're so glad you asked, because this is Rellify's bread and butter! It's hard to keep up with all the problems that can plague a website's performance, but Rellify's experts specialize in SEO audits. As content optimization experts, we're able to quickly assess your web content and content marketing efforts. We can identify exactly where pain points are, and how to best address them.

We can generate for clients a Relliverse™, a custom-AI subject-matter expert trained on their relevant focus topics. With that, we show you how to choose the best topics to write about. You can create relevant content at scale and fully leverage generative AI faster than ever before.

If the rankings for that content ever slips, our monitoring will alert you. Check the top rankings for the search terms that you used to rank higher on. What is your competition doing with that content that you aren't? Are you missing important information? Is something out of date? Our AI-powered platform will guide you to update your content effectively. Our R-Score grades the effectiveness of each article and gives detailed instructions on how to improve readability and SEO.

Within the Rellify platform itself, you can monitor insights imported from Google Search Console and Google Analytics for each article and your entire domain. You don't need a mishmash of outside tools. Rellify gives you the power to analyze your site and the individual pages, pointing out issues like duplications, missing redirects, broken links, missing ALT tags, and much more.

We can give you the keys to Rellify so you can do this all yourself. However, finding the root cause of ranking drops can be a highly-technical puzzle. It's not necessarily cut and dry. Rellify's experts know how to analyze the insights from our SEO tools, and we can address Google ranking drops and employ conversion rate optimization for you.

Rellify knows what to do!

We know that a drop in SERP rankings can be a setback when you're trying to reach potential readers and customers. Fortunately, Rellify has all the tools, knowledge, and resources you need to conduct a full-scale content audit and re-vamp content.

No more guessing. No more headaches. Just informed choices. Unlike Chat GPT and similar models that excel in general tasks, our Relliverse™ is a specialized language model meticulously crafted to address your unique content strategy needs.

Create content that's relevant, optimized, and ready to be found by the right people. And never miss an opportunity to improve your content. Ready to see how Rellify is different? Schedule a free consultation and demo today to find out exactly how your company could benefit from our custom, AI-powered content solution.

Text Summarization with AI

Text Summarization with AI: Exploring Uses and Methods

By Jayne Schultheis - The process of distilling the key points or main ideas from a piece of text while preserving its essence is called text summarization. Children learn how to do it in elementary school; it's a key part of reading comprehension. Through artificial intelligence (AI), computers can manage the task as well.

Text summarization algorithms condense longer documents or segments of text into shorter versions, usually by identifying important sentences or passages and presenting them coherently and concisely. The summaries help users to quickly understand the content of a document.

Text summarization with AI is having a major impact in many business sectors, including content marketing. In this article, we'll focus on how this new capability is helping marketers streamline the content creation process.

How does AI use text summarization technology?

The main branches of AI used for summarization techniques and approaches are natural language processing (NLP), natural language generation (NLG), and natural language understanding (NLU). Let's look at some different forms of automatic summarization.

Extractive summarization

NLP tools like GPT and Google's BERT use this method of text processing. After data preprocessing, extractive summarization methods select and extract important sentences or phrases directly from the input text without generating new sentences.

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) is commonly used as part of extractive summarization. TF-IDF is a measure of the importance of a word in a document relative to a collection of documents or pages. It is commonly used in information retrieval and text mining to identify the relevance of a word to a document.

Real-world example: In a news article about a recent event, an extractive summarization algorithm might identify the sentences containing the most frequently occurring keywords or phrases and select them for a summary.

Abstractive summarization

Abstractive summarization methods generate a summary by interpreting and rephrasing the content of the input text in a more concise form.

This approach involves understanding the meaning of the text and generating novel sentences to convey the summarized information.

Real-world example: An abstractive summarization model might read a product review and generate a summary that captures the sentiments and key aspects of the review in new, condensed sentences.

Query-based summarization

Query-based summarization, or summary generation, is based on specific user queries or questions, combining elements of NLP and NLU.

NLU involves analyzing and interpreting text to comprehend its meaning and extract relevant information. This is achieved through techniques like tokenization, parsing, named entity recognition, semantic analysis, and sentiment analysis.An NLU model learns to understand the context and relationships between words and phrases in text, as well as the overall meaning of the content. Query-based summarization can be done using extractive or abstractive summarization models.

Real-world example: A query-based summarization system might analyze a medical research paper and generate a summary focused on answering a specific medical question posed by a user.

Multi-document summarization

Sometimes, you might have a lot of info in a lot of different places that all need to be scanned and summarized.

Multi-document summarization assesses multiple documents on a given topic. AI systems use techniques such as clustering, topic modeling, and information fusion to identify common themes and extract key information from multiple sources.

Real-world example: A news aggregation platform that collects sports articles gives users with a concise summary of each one so they can get a quick overview of the sports world.

How does machine learning improve text summarization?

Machine learning significantly improves text summarization in many ways. Here are three important ones:

  • Sequence-to-sequence models. Sequence-to-sequence models, particularly transformer-based architectures like BERT and GPT, have revolutionized text summarization by allowing models to generate summaries of different lengths directly from input text. These models can capture complex relationships and dependencies in text, which means high-quality summaries.
  • Attention mechanisms. Attention mechanisms allow models to focus on relevant parts of the input text when generating summaries. Models equipped with attention mechanisms can better capture important information and produce coherent and relevant summaries with contextual understanding.
  • Data-driven approaches. Machine learning models are trained on diverse, big datasets. Data-driven approaches allow models to learn patterns and relationships in the data, leading to improved performance in text summarization tasks. By training on relevant datasets, models can better understand the nuances of language and generate more accurate summaries.

How text summarization with AI can boost your content marketing efforts

Content marketing strives to be relevant and to make its points quickly. Automatic summarization makes it easier to achieve both goals. Here are some ways that content marketers are using text summarization.

Streamlined content consumption

By providing concise summaries of your content, AI-powered text summarization helps readers to quickly grasp the main points and key takeaways without having to read the entire article or document. This improves content consumption rates and enhances the overall user experience.

Increased engagement

Summarized content is more likely to capture the attention of busy readerswho may not have the time to read lengthy articles. By delivering the most important information upfront, AI-generated summaries can increase engagement and encourage users to go deeper into your content and stay on your site longer.

Enhanced SEO

Search engines value content that is relevant, informative, and easy to digest. By incorporating AI-generated summaries into your content marketing strategy, you can improve the readability and relevance of your content, leading to better search engine rankings and increased organic traffic. We'll talk more later about how text summarization connects to the process of topic ideation and keyword extraction within Rellify, thereby enhancing your SEO.

Efficient content curation

Content marketers often curate content from various sources to create comprehensive resources for their audience. AI-driven summarization tools can automate the process of summarizing and synthesizing content from multiple sources, saving time and effort in content curation.


As your content marketing efforts grow, AI-powered text summarization can help you scale your content production and distribution efforts. Using automated summarization, you can generate summaries for a large volume of content quickly and efficiently. You'll be able to reach a broader audience.

How we do text summarization with AI at Rellify

Most of the text summarization methods we mentioned above are employed both within Rellify's content platform and in the Relliverse™ we can create for a client.

A Relliverse™ is a custom AI subject-matter expert that identifies your best content opportunities. We employ deep machine learning to crawl the websites of top competitors in your industry or niche, as well as your own and related sites. We analyze that data to find patterns in keywords or topics that are already ranking high on search engines, or that are not being addressed by your competition. This kind of topic modeling is an example of extractive summarization.

Rellify then uses semantic analysis to build meaningful connections and categorization between and within these topics, much like neural networks. The most meaningful and impactful topics and keywords are aggregated and presented to you, ready to be strategically used in content in ways that will boost your SEO.

In the Rellify platform, you have lots of opportunities to use text summarization with AI. When you build a brief, Rellify's AI capabilities use abstractive text summarization to categorize keywords and place them most effectively into an outline.

When you start creating content, Rellify's generative AI capabilities are ready to help. You can use it to generate an entire blog article, a high-quality summary of an article, or a meta description. You are in the driver's seat of content management as the editor. AI is merely at your disposal every step of the way.

Wondering about the Rellify platform and how a custom Relliverse can boost your content marketing ROI with significantly less effort? Contact a Rellify expert and get a demo of the platform and a custom Relliverse today!

What is Conversational AI

What is Conversational AI? Everything You Need to Know

By Jayne Schultheis

"Hello! How can I help you today?

"Nearly all of us have had a conversational AI chat experience recently, whether we realize it or not. Conversational artificial intelligence has revolutionized how we interact with our world, especially in how we do business. According to one survey, 88% of consumers spoke with a chatbot in some capacity in 2022, and their sentiment towards the technology was overwhelmingly positive. Who would have thought that in such a short time, technology would have swiftly become our everyday personal assistant, much like an episode of The Jetsons (sans apron-clad robot)?

As AI continues to proliferate at lightning speed, some of the most significant innovations continue to be in the realm of conversational AI. We'll get into the details of this specific kind of artificial intelligence, the ways it's being used, and how it will continue to enrich our world and businesses.

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enable natural language interactions between humans and machines. It covers a range of techniques and capabilities that allow computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that mimics natural conversation between humans.

Conversational AI systems leverage various components, including:

  1. Natural language understanding (NLU). This component enables computers to comprehend and interpret the meaning of human language inputs. NLU techniques extract important information from user queries, such as intent, entities, and context.
  2. Natural language generation (NLG). NLG focuses on generating human-like responses or outputs based on the input received from users. NLG techniques can generate text, speech, or other forms of communication that are understandable and relevant to the user.
  3. Dialog management. Dialog management involves managing the flow of conversation between the user and the AI system. It determines how the system responds to user inputs based on the current context of the conversation, past interactions, and predefined dialog policies.
  4. Speech recognition. When the interaction involves spoken language, conversational AI systems use speech recognition technology to transcribe spoken words into text that can be processed by the system.
  5. Machine learning. Many conversational AI systems use machine learning techniques to improve their performance over time. Machine learning algorithms learn from data, user interactions, and feedback to enhance language understanding, dialog management, and response generation.

The evolution from simple chatbots to conversational AI

Natural language processing technologies have made major advancements. Initially, the interface for simple chatbot conversations relied on coding with predefined rules and patterns to provide basic responses to user queries or prompts within a narrow domain. These early chatbots lacked sophistication and struggled to understand nuanced language or engage in meaningful chat. When it came to a chatbot experience, usability was unpredictable at best.

However, with the advent of machine learning techniques and the availability of large datasets, the capabilities of chatbots began to improve. Machine learning algorithms allowed chatbots to learn from data and user interactions. This gradually enhanced their language understanding and response generation capabilities.

The emergence of conversational AI chatbots represented a paradigm shift in human-computer interaction. Conversational AI systems leverage advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, including NLU and NLG. These enabled more interactive and human-like conversations. Systems like these can understand user intent, context, and nuances of language, allowing for more engaging and personalized interactions. They're truly an innovation like no other.

Additionally, conversational AI integrates dialog management capabilities to manage the flow of conversation and adapt responses based on the context of the interaction. Through continuous learning and adaptation, conversational AI has transformed the way users interact with technology.

Chatbot vs. conversational AI: what's the difference?

Chatbots are a specific type of conversational AI focused on simulating text-based conversations for specific tasks or purposes. In contrast, conversational AI encompasses a broader range of technologies and capabilities that enable more natural and intelligent interactions between humans and machines across diverse applications. All chatbots are a type of conversational AI, but not all conversational AI are chatbots.

NLP vs. conversational AI: What's the difference?

NLP and conversational AI are related fields but have distinct focuses and applications. To put it simply, NLP focuses on the processing and analysis of human language in various forms. Conversational AI extends this by:

  • Enabling interactive and engaging conversations between users and machines.
  • Leveraging NLP techniques along with other capabilities to simulate natural conversation and enhance communication experiences.

What do you use AI chatbots for?

While many of us think of the innovations that ChatGPT has brought to the table, you'll find opportunities to use an AI chatbot everywhere. Conversational AI finds applications across lots of different domains — aiming to provide users with engaging, efficient, and personalized interactions.

Virtual assistants

Companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple have developed virtual AI assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri, respectively. These virtual assistants use conversational AI to understand user commands and queries. They're also able to perform tasks such as setting reminders, playing music, providing weather updates, and controlling smart home devices.

Customer service chatbots

You've probably visited a website and noticed a notification and dialogue chatbox that automatically pops up in the corner of your screen. Many businesses deploy chatbot technology on their websites or messaging platforms to communicate with customers, providing support and assistance. These chatbots use conversational AI to engage with users, reply to frequently asked questions, troubleshoot issues, and guide users through the customer service process.

Voice-enabled devices and applications

Voice-enabled devices and applications leverage conversational AI to enable hands-free interaction. For example, voice-controlled smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home allow users to perform tasks such as making calls, ordering groceries, and booking appointments using voice commands.

Healthcare assistants

Conversational AI is being used in healthcare to provide virtual health assistants and telemedicine services. Patients can use conversational AI platforms to schedule appointments, receive basic medical advice, and manage medication reminders. This is a huge advancement in improving access to basic healthcare services.

Educational chatbots

Some educational institutions are deploying chatbots to provide personalized learning experiences and support services to students. These chatbots assist students with course enrollment, assignment submissions, academic advising, and career guidance, improving student engagement and retention rates.

Financial services

Banks and financial institutions use conversational AI to offer virtual banking assistants and personalized financial advice. These virtual assistants help customers with account inquiries, transaction history, budgeting tips, and investment recommendations, providing convenient and accessible banking services.

Trends and innovations: What's next for conversational AI?

The future of conversational AI holds immense potential for personalization and automation. It's set to revolutionize the way individuals interact with technology and businesses. As conversational AI continues to evolve, it will become increasingly adept at understanding user preferences, behaviors, and contexts. More and more we'll see highly personalized interactions tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Through advanced machine learning algorithms and data analytics, conversational AI systems will be able to:

  • Anticipate user intents.
  • Deliver relevant content and recommendations.
  • Adapt responses in real-time
  • Provide more intuitive experiences

Automation will also improve efficiency across various domains, including customer service, healthcare, education, and commerce. By automating repetitive tasks and routine interactions, conversational AI will free up human resources to focus on more complex and value-added activities.

The rise of metabots: The AI managers of the future

"Metabots" refer to a concept in the realm of conversational AI, particularly in the context of chatbots and virtual assistants. Metabots are essentially chatbots that specialize in managing other chatbots or conversational agents. They act as meta-level assistants and communicators, coordinating and orchestrating collaboration between different chatbots to accomplish more complex tasks or workflows.

The idea behind metabots is to create a hierarchy or network of chatbots that can delegate tasks among themselves to achieve a common goal. For example, in a customer service scenario, a metabot could coordinate multiple specialized chatbots responsible for handling different aspects of customer inquiries. It could manage subsets of bots for billing, technical support, and product information.

Metabots can enhance the scalability and flexibility of conversational AI systems. They facilitate the integration of specialized chatbots developed by different teams or vendors. This allows organizations to build comprehensive conversational AI solutions that can adapt to their evolving business requirements.

How Rellify Uses AI to Get You Results

While Rellify is focused on more functional rather than conversational integration of AI, we're constantly looking for ways to further improve our customers' experience. Rellify employs similar mechanisms as conversational AI. We use NLU and machine learning to quickly crawl large volumes of data to help clients find niche topics and keywords that will naturally rank better on search engines and attract targeted traffic, leads, and customers.

With a custom Relliverse™, your company can powerfully harness customized AI to maximize your ROI. Interested in a free demo that can show you exactly how easy and powerful content creation can be within the Rellify platform? Contact a Rellify expert today!

The Exciting Future of AI in SEO: Making it Work for Your Business|Future-of-ai-in-seo|AI-based-SEO|future-of-seo|Juergen-Kranz-CTO

The Exciting Future of AI in SEO: Making it Work for Your Business

The days of tedious keyword research and SEO optimization are coming to an end. AI-based solutions are changing the market for the better. Innovative services are implementing AI in SEO, offering greatly increased relevance and visibility. Let's look at the ways AI has revolutionized the way that marketers do SEO and explain how you can use it in your content marketing efforts.

Welcome to The Age of AI in SEO

AI, or artificial intelligence, encompasses many forms of computations, learning models, research, and analysis, all performed by computer systems.

Many of us have already seen the capabilities of generative AI. You may be familiar with writing produced by ChatGPT, SORA-generated videos, and chatbots offering AI assistance. In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), AI technology presents many significant possibilities.

According to Forbes, 35% of companies were using AI for content creation in 2023. And this use of AI is becoming more and more appealing as companies look for ways to free up their teams for other tasks. Incorporating AI in your SEO increases not only effectiveness, but also efficiency. Complex strategy insights in the form of content development, conversion, and usability optimization can be handled by AI quickly and reliably.

Through technical optimization, machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), AI in SEO will increasingly dominate the market. Based on learning processes, no optimization opportunity will go undetected. Gaps in SEO can be fixed and specific articles or even entire websites will be given higher relevance to boost search engine results.

How Rellify uses AI in SEO

Another notable statistic from Forbes: 1 in 3 businesses said in 2023 that they plan to use ChatGPT to write website content. While ChatGPT might seem like an efficient way to churn out content, it doesn't have the capability to understand exactly what your target audience is already searching for. That's where Rellify is different.

While you have the option to use generative AI text within the Rellify platform, we're particularly excited about the way we harness AI to revolutionize the core of SEO through the use of a custom Relliverse™. Using a "neural network" model similar to the data processing capabilities of the human brain, Rellify helps its clients understand their particular audiences and their habits on search engines. By crawling the websites of you and your competitors, we can group keywords into topics and clusters based on your niche target customer's search intent. Our AI sets the stage for you to create content that your target audience wants to read.

Furthermore, the Rellify platform itself allows you to incorporate AI wherever you see fit. Want to generate an outline that tells you where your keywords would be best used? Rellify's Smart Brief feature allows you to seamlessly build a well-structured and comprehensive brief with subsequent keyword suggestions in seconds.

Want to craft a perfect meta description in seconds? Rellify's generative AI feature can scan the entirety of your text in moments and produce a concise description.

A writer on our app can use AI to answer specific questions, continue text, and summarize text. Don't want to write a single thing? Rellify's AI will generate an article for you. We can take you in a matter of minutes from exploring for the right topics and keywords to producing full articles.

With Rellify, you're in the driver's seat when it comes to using AI in SEO. We just give you the fuel, car keys, and GPS.

The key benefits of AI in SEO

A primary benefit of using AI in SEO is efficiency and speed. The increase in efficiency can even be quantified in monetary terms. Content creators in the company can work faster and more efficiently with the support of AI in SEO.

In addition, many companies use the services of SEO agencies. These can become faster and more cost-effective with the support of AI with deep machine learning. It will become easier over time to create entire websites with a few clicks while still maintaining relevance to search engines.

The improvement in search engine ranking can also be accurately measured when using AI to bolster SEO. This will have a direct impact on sales success, especially for online stores or any company with an online presence.

Machine learning or deep learning is not only helpful in the strategic planning and implementation process but also in improving content over time. Currently, relevant content is generally only revised after publication when reports show that click numbers are falling or the content is falling in the search rankings. AI supports online marketing in the ongoing monitoring and (human-assisted) maintenance of content and ensures a largely constant high relevance for search engines.

How does Google deal with AI in SEO?

With the research project “Google Brain” and the acquisition of the AI specialist DeepMind in 2014, Google positioned itself as a leader in the field of artificial intelligence. Since CEO Sundar Pichai officially announced the change in strategy from “Mobile First” to “AI First” in 2016, it’s clear that AI will shape almost all areas of the company in the present and future.

But AI has changed a lot since then, right?

Google has maintained that it will not be penalizing content that is AI-generated or augmented with AI automation. Regardless of how content is produced, those seeking success in Google Search should be looking to create original, high-quality, people-first content demonstrating qualities E-E-A-T. This stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google has no issues or penalties for using AI throughout your content creation process, as long as your goal is to authentically reach your target audience.

The bottom line: if you rely too heavily on completely artificially synthesized AI content and effectively just become a cheap content mill with no aspects of E-E-A-T, Google will notice and penalize you. While AI content detection technology is still a work in progress, Google's motto is simply this: "we know quality content when we see it, and that's what we'll promote."

Supercharge your Marketing Efforts by Using AI in SEO

We're serious about using AI to augment your content marketing efforts, and that means your SEO. With a custom Relliverse™, combined with the comprehensive suite of features within the Rellify platform, you can ensure your quality content is tailored from start to finish for both your audience and search engine visibility. Ready to see for yourself? Talk to a Rellify expert and see how Rellify can maximize your marketing ROI with relevant, SEO-optimized content that's crafted expertly with AI assistance.

How Multichannel Marketing Can Help You Grow

How Multichannel Marketing Can Help You Grow

By Dan Duke - Every day brings new opportunities to interact with customers, but if you reach out to them in only one way, you limit those interactions. Multichannel marketing gives companies different avenues for connecting with more customers and prospects.

Multichannel marketing is a strategy of engaging customers through multiple online and offline touchpoints in a unified and seamless way. A multichannel marketing campaign recognizes that shoppers have many behaviors and preferences. It tries to interact with audiences wherever they are by using tailored messaging. To implement it effectively, you must understand how different channels connect, as well as the unique capabilities of each.

Let's look at how multichannel marketing uses personalized communication, relevant content and targeted reach to boost recognition and sales.

The evolution of multichannel marketing

Selling has evolved from single-channel approaches, such as catalog marketing ad campaigns, direct mail campaigns, and television commercials, to more advanced multichannel strategies. The advent of the internet and digital technology led to a sales revolution in which brands can engage consumers through many means, including websites, social channels, email, search engines, and more.

Multichannel marketing communication integrates all of these touchpoints online and offline to create a single brand experience. In a multichannel campaign, potential customers are engaged throughout their buyer’s journey and across multiple platforms.

The core components of a successful multichannel marketing strategy

A successful multichannel marketing strategy requires several key elements that engage customers across different platforms:

  • Understand your target audience's demographics, preferences, and behaviors across various channels. Use data analysis as a marketing tool to gather insights and shape your targeting strategies.
  • Identify the most relevant channels for your audience, such as social media, email, websites, mobile apps, and physical stores. Support smooth integration between channels to offer a consistent brand experience.
  • Define specific goals for each digital marketing channel, such as increasing brand awareness or driving website traffic.
  • Develop compelling and relevant content tailored to each channel and audience. Implement SEO best practices with that content to improve visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. Maintain consistent messaging while adapting content formats for specific platforms.
  • Implement personalized sales strategy tactics based on consumer behavior. Rely on segmentation and targeting techniques to deliver personalized messages to your audience segments. Invest in targeted advertising campaigns across platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. Actively participate on relevant social media platforms by sharing valuable content, responding to comments, and building relationships with followers.
  • Monitor and analyze performance metrics across all channels. Use data insights to optimize campaigns, refine targeting strategies, and enhance the consumer experience
  • Understand the buyer journey from awareness to conversion. Design touchpoints and interactions to guide customers seamlessly through the purchasing process.
  • Maintain consistent branding and messaging across all channels. Encourage communication and engagement between channels to create a unified brand experience.

By integrating these core components into your campaign, you effectively engage your audience, boost conversions, and nurture long-term consumer relationships.

The role of SEO in enhancing online visibility

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps to increase online exposure by getting the highest possible ranking for your website on a search engine results page (SERP) for a chosen keyword or phrase. In an age where more and more people rely on search engines to find products, services, and information, brands need an SEO strategy to break out of the clutter of the internet and find the sustained success they desire.

Fundamentally, SEO involves optimizing a site’s content, architecture, and performance to maximize how search engines understand, interpret, and display this information. When businesses follow best practices, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building, they stand a better chance of displaying highly in the SERPs (search engine results pages) after a user queries related terms.

SEO also applies to local search, mobile-friendliness, and user experience — the increasing need to be found whenever a potential buyer is inquiring by mobile phone and voice search. Invest in a good SEO strategy if you want to be in the game.

The importance of tailored marketing messages across platforms

One of the advantages of multichannel marketing is that you can adapt the sales message to the distinct audiences, features, and multichannel strategy of each platform. It helps you connect with people in a more relevant, engaging way.

If the aim of a campaign is to boost website traffic, the emphasis should be on enhancing SEO and implementing content marketing tactics. If the goal is to boost brand recognition, you might create ways to encourage interaction through social media campaigns.

Another advantage is that you can adapt the content to fit the channel's strengths. Familiarize yourself with the audience demographics and preferences specific to each channel:

  • Content shared on social media platforms such as Instagram need visual appeal and brevity.
  • Email campaigns can deliver in-depth information and personalized communication.
  • Video content excels on platforms like YouTube or Facebook.
  • Blog posts and articles work great on websites and in email newsletters.

Tailored messaging also enhances personalization by attending to each person's requirements, interests, and challenges. This promotes user loyalty and trust by strengthening your relationships with users.

At the same time, the overall branding and messaging must be consistent. Regardless of how a buyer interacts with your brand — be it through social media, a newsletter email, websites, or physical stores — they should encounter consistent branding and messaging. This builds trust and reinforces brand recognition, ultimately elevating the overall shopper experience.

You might, for example, use social media for buyer engagement, email sales for personalized offers, and a mobile app for seamless transactions. The messaging can be adjusted to fit the channel and the audience you are likely to reach on that channel.

A shopper might discover a product through social media, research it on a website, and complete the purchase in-store. Great multichannel marketing helps guide your customer down this path.

The customer journey in multichannel marketing

A key component of a sales campaign is the customer journey, which is made up of all the interactions and touchpoints that consumers experience with your business.

Understanding the buyer journey helps you to determine the best channels to use and the best messaging for each channel. Your campaign can anticipate and address customers' demands and pain points at every stage.

Consumers appreciate a smooth transition across various platforms and points of contact. Focus on maintaining consistency in branding, messaging, and user experience over the whole process.

The buyer journey essentially serves as a road map for multichannel sales communications initiatives, helping you to engage with customers more effectively, increase conversions, and build enduring relationships with the target audience.

Marketing tools and platforms for cohesive campaigns

Multichannel marketing is by its very nature more complex than single-channel marketing. Marketing tools and platforms can make campaign management, data analysis, and audience engagement more streamlined and efficient.

Sales automation platforms automate tasks such as email marketing effort, social media scheduling, and lead nurturing.

Content management systems (CMS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems support information management, planning, and delivery as well as customer data management and classification.

As a content marketing platform, Rellify makes it easy for you to create content strategies that deliver measurable results. Our guided workflow can take you in minutes from creating a content plan to generating relevant content at scale. You can fully leverage generative AI faster than ever before.

Using a "neural network" model similar to the data processing capabilities of the human brain, Rellify helps its clients understand their particular audiences and their habits on search engines. By crawling your website and those of your competitors, we can group keywords into topics and clusters based on your niche target customer's search intent. We call that creating a Relliverse™ just for you — a company-specific AI subject-matter expert for all topics that move your company.

The Relliverse™ leverages AI to analyze audience preferences, allowing you to create highly personalized and relevant content that resonates with your target audience, thereby improving engagement rates.

Furthermore, the Rellify platform itself allows you to incorporate AI wherever you see fit. Want to generate an outline that tells you where your keywords would be best used? Rellify's Smart Brief feature allows you to seamlessly build a well-structured and comprehensive brief with subsequent keyword suggestions in seconds.

Building brand awareness with content marketing

Content marketing is an essential tool for businesses to maintain brand recognition. By providing valuable, relevant, and interesting information to specific audiences, content marketing can play a major role in multichannel marketing campaigns. It can create a strong presence, effectively communicate values, and set businesses apart in the marketplace.

It enables your brand to showcase its skills and expertise in the industry. By producing high-quality content that is relevant to the target audience’s preferences and interests, you develop the online reputation of being a reliable source, which gives your brand credibility.

If you want to learn how to create an execute a content marketing plan, whether or not it is part of a larger multichannel marketing strategy, contact Rellify today.