The Art of Ending Blog Posts with Impact

By Jayne Schultheis — All's well that ends well, right?

In this case, yes!

When you're blogging, the final paragraph or two of a post offers a chance to have a tremendous impact. If you've held your reader's attention for the entirety of the article, it means you've succeeded in one of your core engagement goals. And when you're ending blog posts, you should aim for a more specific goal. Let's talk about what the end of your blog post should ultimately accomplish, and how to make it happen.

How do you write a good ending to a blog post?

A common strategy for the concluding section is to re-state the main points of your article. A business that's writing online content, however, needs to do more. A "call to action" is a passage in a blog post that encourages your reader to perform a task. It's a sound strategy to end a post with a strong call to action. Just be clear on your goals, because there are many types of action you could request. Let's look at how you can write killer endings for blog posts that can help you reach your goals.

Encourage engagement and interaction

Get people clicking, re-posting, and commenting!

  • Comments and discussion. Prompt readers to leave comments or share their thoughts on the topic.
  • Social media sharing. Encourage readers to share the post on their social media accounts across various platforms.
  • Surveys and polls. Include a link to a survey or poll to gather feedback and insights. These kinds of analytics can help you shape your blog content and strategy.

Drive traffic to other content

The longer you can keep your audience's attention, the better.

Internal linking. Link to related blog posts or content on your website to keep readers engaged and on your site longer.

Content upgrades. Offer downloadable content (e.g., eBooks or guides) that require an email signup.

Build a subscriber base

You want your readers to be further invested in your company and its products or services outside of your website.

  • Newsletter signups. Prompt readers to subscribe to your newsletter for more updates and exclusive content.
  • RSS feed subscription. Offer an option to subscribe to your blog's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.
  • Invite readers to join online your communities. Encourage readers to join your company’s online community, like an Instagram page, Facebook group, or LinkedIn group.

Enhance SEO and search visibility

Ranking high on search engines should be one of your primary goals, especially if you're making longform, evergreen content. And it should inform every single part of your blog, from the introduction to the conclusion.

Encourage backlinks. Ask readers to link back to the post if they find it valuable, which can improve SEO.

Keywords and content optimization. Make sure the end of your blog post includes terms from your keyword research and appropriate backlinking to enhance search engine visibility.

                                    To learn more about blog posts, read our guide on blog introductions.

Establish authority and trust

Authority is one of the primary factors that makes search engine crawlers rank your content higher than that of your competitors.

  • Case studies and testimonials. Link to relevant case studies, customer testimonials, and relevant guest posting to build credibility.
  • Expert advice and further reading. Offer additional resources or links to authoritative sources that back up your content's claims or main point.
  • Brand story and values. Lean into the storytelling aspect of content creation! Share insights into your company’s mission, values, or behind-the-scenes stories to build a deeper connection with readers.

Promote products or services

If your company sells a product or offers a service, this is the time to let your readers know. If the article lays out a problem or issue, your company needs to be the solution.

  • Product links. Direct readers to product pages or service descriptions relevant to the blog post topic. The products don't necessarily have to be yours. You may opt to include affiliate links if you use affiliate marketing as a part of your content marketing strategy. Just keep in mind that these kinds of links will draw readers away from your website, so do this sparingly.
  • Special offers and discounts. Highlight any current promotions or discounts that readers can take advantage of.
  • Free trials and demos. Encourage readers to sign up for a free trial of your product or schedule a demo.

What you should do before publishing your blog

After you've written your perfectly-crafted conclusion, you might be eager to hit "post" and start tracking insights through Google Analytics. Slow down! There's a few things you should do first.

  1. Make sure your SEO is airtight. Rellify quantifies your SEO efforts and relevancy into a comprehensive R-score. The AI behind the Rellify score covers many factors, including mobile optimization, because the majority of users are visiting websites from their mobile devices. Fundamental issues like site speed and blog design are important, too.
  2. See where it would best fit on your content calendar. Too much similar content posted consecutively can undermine your reputation as a versatile, yet knowledgeable expert in your field. Keep blog diversification in mind as you implement content scheduling.
  3. Is the writing fluid? This is another aspect of SEO that Rellify tracks and quantifies. Readability scores will change depending on the level of topic expertise your target audience holds. Be sure to run a grammar and plagiarism check, too.
  4. Add visual content. Visual content like pictures, graphs, or videos help bolster user experience and keep audiences engaged. They also can help provide featured images for blog promotion on other platforms.
  5. Does every section of your blog have a consistent brand voice? Brand voice is a crucial part of marketing that should impact every part of your process, from headline writing to conclusion paragraphs.

Ending blog posts is easy with Rellify

Aren't you sitting on the edge of your seat wondering how we're going to end this blog post?

Well, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention how Rellify makes every part of content curation and blog writing more efficient and effective. From the very beginning of your process, you'll get expert insights into niche topics and keywords that will help you naturally rank higher on search engines. Not only that, you can effortlessly build smart briefs based on your keywords and incorporate expert AI in your processes wherever you see fit.

Contact a Rellify expert today to find out how you can start implementing your data-driven, AI-advised content strategy within the Rellify platform.

About the author

Jayne Schultheis has been in the business of crafting and optimizing articles for five years and has seen Rellify change the game since its inception. With strategic research, a strong voice, and a sharp eye for detail, she’s helped many Rellify customers connect with their target audiences.

The evergreen content she writes helps companies achieve long-term gains in search results.

Her subject expertise and experience covers a wide range of topics, including tech, finance, food, family, travel, psychology, human resources, health, business, retail products, and education.

If you’re looking for a Rellify expert to wield a mighty pen (well, keyboard) and craft real, optimized content that will get great results, Jayne’s your person.