Rellify Selected as Finalist for WirtschaftsWoche’s Best of Technology Award 2023

Virginia Beach, Va, 07/07/23 – Rellify, provider of robust and innovative “Content Intelligence” technologies and applications for content marketing teams, has been selected by WirtschaftsWoche, Germany’s leading business magazine, as one of three finalists for their Best of Technology Award 2023 in the Marketing & Sales category.

This new category honors innovators whose digital solutions help users align their companies with the market by identifying market changes and recognizing shifts in needs in order to more quickly gain and apply competitive advantages.

Rellify applies its proprietary, patent-pending machine learning technologies to its powerful Article Intelligence Application and the creation of its proprietary Enterprise AI Models-as-a-Service (MaaS), or Relliverses™, to do that and more. A Relliverse™ is an ever-expanding enterprise- and topic-specific large language model (LLM) that enables a user organization to confidently leverage generative AI for unsurpassed market-specific competitive intel and insights. Content marketing teams combine rellify’s Relliverse™ and Article Intelligence Application for reliable, relevant, performance-level topic ideation and end-to-end content development workflow. From strategy and planning to writing, optimizing, publishing, monitoring and beyond, the efforts of content managers, analysts, editors, writers, SEOs and webmasters are more supported, informed and effective than ever.

Peter Kraus, CEO of the Virginia-based startup Rellify Inc., sees the award status of his German subsidiary as clear evidence that Rellify’s innovations have identified and addressed both the need and the process for organizations to integrate and apply generative artificial intelligence, or AI, in a reliable and effective way for advantages within the highly competitive content marketing environment.

“The emergence of the AI revolution presents marketers in the enterprise environment with unprecedented challenges,” Kraus said. “What topics should they occupy to be relevant? How can their messages get the attention they deserve amid the influx of unreliable AI-synthesized content? And how can they create high-quality, well-optimized content efficiently and economically when ChatGPT and other free or low-cost text-generating chatbots are inappropriately influencing marketing budgets?”

Moreover, Kraus noted, “those machines can’t help organizations create original thought-leadership content by serving up thoughts they’ve scraped from the articles of others. They’re chatbots,” he said, “and they shouldn’t be relied upon as an authoritative source.”

What Rellify had begun developing long before the current trend emerged is distinctly more efficient, helpful and effective for entire content marketing teams, Kraus said. “It’s human intelligence supported by AI for a most reliable and powerful total content-development solution,” he explained. “We call it ‘Content Intelligence’.”

The company’s “intelligent” applications address today’s content marketers’ challenges with powerful tools for identifying highly relevant topics and content and the cost-efficient creation of content in an AI-guided process. Authors and editors can also control the degree of augmentation to the automated functionalities based on their needs and preferences.

“We offer companies with high demand for relevant content a solution to three of their most pressing problems,” Kraus explained. “First, our customer-specific AI models deliver topic-focused insights with a depth and precision that the other large language models can’t offer. Because knowledge is power, the understanding generated by our models alone gives our customers significant competitive advantages.

“Second, he said, “Rellify makes these insights directly actionable with the Relliverse™. In their own custom Relliverse™, our customers can see at a glance what topics they need to address, what questions they need to answer, and what keywords they need to serve in order to reach, engage, and be noticed by their target audiences.”

Finally, the Article Intelligence Application brings Rellify customers full circle, Kraus said. In this AI-powered browser application, content teams with NLU and NLG support create and publish content tailored to the needs of their business. It’s highly cost-effective and, most importantly, true to their brand.

“In short,” Kraus concluded, “we offer our customers a) a deeper understanding of relevant topics and content on the Internet, b) precise, company-centric topic ideation, and c) a production environment that guarantees massive efficiency benefits.” Content teams needing support either on or off the platform can also outsource professional services from rellify’s expert SEOs, analysts, writers and editors, who use the Rellify applications to strategize, produce and optimize high-performing content for them.

Against the backgrounds of Rellify’s successful activities in the German-speaking markets and the high satisfaction of its customers, the nomination as one of the most innovative marketing and sales technology solutions doesn’t come as a complete surprise, Kraus said. “We are very pleased that our innovations, which are already in use by renowned brands in Germany and the U.S., are being so positively recognized by WirtschaftsWoche. We see this as affirmation of our efforts to make the enormous opportunities that generative AI can offer available to companies within an easy-to-use, value-creating and ROI-optimizing environment.”

The winners of the WirtschaftsWoche Best of Technology Award 2023 will be announced August 29, 2023, in Munich. For more information, visit:

For more information about Rellify, visit:

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Peter Kraus

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