Content Marketing Platforms - and Why You Need One

What is a content marketing platform, and should you use one to propel your marketing efforts? We’ll get into the nuances of great content and the benefits of joining a content marketing platform. But first, there’s a fundamental question to consider.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing means getting your message to your target audience. The use of media has always been essential. The current state of the digital age further broadens the scope of factors and possibilities. Blogs, social media, email, and search engines can be a bottomless pit. Naturally, you don’t want to reach just anyone on the internet. You want to make sure your message reaches the right people. Your content needs to be topic-specific and provide added value for users through entertainment, information, personalization, or knowledge.

Why do we use content marketing?

Because it works! Content marketing provides a meaningful way for customers to engage with your brand positively. If you publish quality, relevant content, you serve people who want to learn more about your brand and work. As a result, the content analytics you track will improve. You’ll see more leads, followers, views, conversions, and more.

Content marketing is no secret in the industry. According to the Content Marketing Institute, over 91% of B2B companies use content marketing. And of the 9% who aren’t using content marketing, more than half plan to implement content marketing in the future. From these statistics alone, it’s clear that content platforms are essential tools for brand management and strengthening an online presence.

What is a content marketing platform?

A content marketing platform (CMP) is a software solution that helps businesses and marketers streamline their content marketing processes. Ultimately, it aims to help clients drive awareness, leads, and revenue from their content to their brand.

Many software tools fall under the umbrella of “content marketing platforms.” Any utility or website that helps content marketers create, organize, optimize, and distribute content can be a content marketing platform. If an app or website enables you to brainstorm content ideas, implement a content strategy, or even monitor how your content performs after publishing, it’s a content marketing platform.

CMPs can provide functions ranging from keyword and topic ideation andcontent creation to social media management, and everything in between. Some marketing platforms offer marketing automation across various channels to streamline your workflow. Others support your efforts to devise a solid SEO strategy as a part of a larger content marketing strategy. Content marketers often use several platforms as part of their digital strategy since many offer complementary functionality.

4 questions to ask before adopting a content marketing platform

Now that you have an overview of CMPs, it’s up to you to decide. Which ones will benefit your marketing efforts and help you achieve your goals? There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to content marketing software. Social platforms might be crucial for a B2C company that handles lots of social media marketing, for example. However, the same top marketing platforms might not provide strong ROI for a B2B business targeting a specific niche.

Before you invest in a marketing platform for your content, here are a few questions to ask.

Who (and where) is my target audience?

Be as specific as possible. Consider standard attributes such as age, gender, income, and location. You also want to consider where your target audience shops and what they do in their free time. Do they spend more time online on their phones or their desktop? The more specific you make your target audience, the more precisely you can target them with your content marketing platform.

Let’s say you’re a B2C company selling shoes to Gen-Z. You’ll probably want to look into marketing platforms that can boost your social media performance on platforms like Instagram. You’ll need a different approach if you’re a B2B company with a focused niche like industrial safety ladders. Creating high-fidelity evergreen articles might be much more integral to your strategy. Regardless of your target audience, the right CMP can help you create content they’ll want to engage with.

What are my goals and challenges?

How will your product help your consumer? Is your goal to generate more sales? Create more brand awareness? Establish yourself as a leader in your field? Make sure your goals are measurable by setting benchmarks. How will you know if you have met your goals? For example, are you trying to increase website traffic by 25%? Increase sales by 10%? What unique challenges does your organization face in the realm of digital marketing? Low website traffic? Poor communication between team members? Write it all down and keep it at the forefront of your mind as you begin weighing your options.

What is my budget?

If you’re a small startup with limited resources, some content marketing platforms might be cost-prohibitive. At the same time, you get what you pay for when it comes to quality content. So you could get a better ROI from a more expensive, quality platform than a less expensive one. This concept is especially true when it comes to paying for ads on social media platforms or Google ads. You will see better engagement, more impressions, and stronger conversions from quality content that does well organically. But you can incorporate both paid and organic search in your marketing strategy.

What tools do I need to reach my audience?

Do you need engaging social content across multiple channels? Then invest in content platforms that will empower you to produce quality graphics. Additionally, find marketers who can ensure you’re using the right message across the proper channels. You probably would need scheduling functionality with a calendar planning tool to efficiently plan all your posts across marketing channels.

Do you need to improve engagement within your email marketing campaigns? The right tools will let you send quality emails and monitor their performance.

Do you need web content and blog posts to fill out your site? Invest in a content performance platform that helps you produce and monitor evergreen content that will result in high search engine results.

What is the best content performance platform?

We're glad you asked.


Since search marketing is the backbone of relevance in the digital world, the most valuable tool you can use in content marketing is Rellify. Rellify is a comprehensive all-in-one content marketing platform that uses machine learning to identify topics, subtopics, and keywords that will help your content be better found on search engines. But Rellify's data-driven, AI-advised path doesn't just work to get you more web traffic, but better traffic without relying on paid promotion.

Rellify also helps organizations establish a sustainable content performance strategy to support corporate goals. Besides the advanced tools it uses, Rellify stands out because it is a full-service performance platform. Not only can you develop valuable content in real-time with collaborators, but also monitor its performance with analytics and composable architecture so you can keep track of your chosen KPIs.Rellify operates with a six-pronged approach:

  • Discover topics that will be highly relevant to your target audience.
  • Plan a content strategy. Make data-driven strategic decisions based on a custom-AI subject-matter expert trained on your relevant focus topics.
  • Smart briefs. Create smart briefs using sophisticated AI prompts with just a few mouse clicks and get more relevant generative results.
  • Write content honed by AI and SEO tools (including an R-score which helps conceptualize your content's effectiveness). With collaborative editing, writer and editor can work together in real time to polish your articles.
  • Publish reviewed and approved articles directly to your CMS or export them as HTML.
  • Monitor the success of your content based on pages and topics and compare it with your competition. Optimize your articles for search engine results with detailed AI suggestions. Never miss an opportunity to improve your content!

Rellify's latest and greatest innovation is the Relliverse™, an in-house, customized, AI subject matter expert that shows your team the best content opportunities. With a custom Relliverse™, Rellify can quickly crawl huge volumes of your top competitors' content, as well as your own, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses. Then, Rellify suggests how exactly your content can best be focused and crafted in order to outpace and outrank your competition on search engines.

Revolutionize your marketing with a content marketing platform

If you’ve assessed your company’s content marketing needs, you’re ready to decide on a platform. No matter your company’s unique challenges, the right content marketing tool is out there. If you're looking for a marketing tool with customized solutions that leverage the integration of machine learning and AI to produce and optimize content that will climb the search engine rankings, then Rellify is the way to go. Contact a Rellify expert today for a demo and price quote for your organization's specific needs. With multiple tiers of service offerings, you're able to find the exact solution for your business.

About the author

Jayne Schultheis has been in the business of crafting and optimizing articles for five years and has seen Rellify change the game since its inception. With strategic research, a strong voice, and a sharp eye for detail, she's helped many Rellify customers connect with their target audiences.

The evergreen content she writes helps companies achieve long-term gains in search results

Her subject expertise and experience covers a wide range of topics, including tech, finance, food, family, travel, psychology, human resources, health, business, retail products, and education.

If you're looking for a Rellify expert to wield a mighty pen (well, keyboard) and craft real, optimized content that will get great results, Jayne's your person.

About the author

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