Zero Search Volume Keywords: The Secret Weapon in SEO

By Nora Firestone - You may be wondering how zero search volume keywords could possibly be useful — because, well, the implication of "zero search volume" seems pretty straightforward. But not all is what it seems in the world of search engine optimization. Let's explore how incorporating zero search volume keywords into your content strategy can effectively boost your traffic and conversions.

What are zero search volume keywords?

Zero search volume keywords are search terms that reportedly receive no monthly searches — according to keyword research tools. While these terms don't always register in terms of search volume, they can still be valuable for your SEO strategy. Often highly specific, these keywords can reflect emerging trends, local preferences, or unique queries that have yet to gain mainstream attention.

Why should I target zero search volume keywords?

Targeting zero-volume instead of high-volume keywords can offer lower-profile opportunities for businesses looking to optimize their digital presence. Why? Because "zero search" volume doesn't mean no one is searching. Rather, the search frequency is registering below a certain threshold. And with this lower competition, it's easier to rank high for these particular keywords. So your content gets seen by those who are specifically searching for it. Cumulative use of these keywords can drive significant website traffic over time, especially when combined with other long-tail keywords.

Common misconceptions about zero search volume keywords

Perhaps you've heard some of the same opinions we've heard on the topic. Here's our professional perspective on a few common notions.

  • All zero search-volume keywords are equal. Not so. Not all zero search volume keywords offer the same value. Some might be emerging trends or seasonal terms that spike at certain times. Others might remain consistently low. It's essential to understand the context surrounding the keyword rather than dismiss it based on search volume alone.
  • Popular SEO tools always provide accurate data. No keyword tool is perfect. They might not capture every search, especially for less frequent or newer queries. Diversifying research methods can provide a more comprehensive view of keyword data.
  • They're only suitable for small or niche websites. Larger websites can also leverage zero search volume keywords, to fill content gaps, answer specific queries, or target emerging topics before they become mainstream.

How can zero search volume keywords be most effectively used?

Seasonality and trends

  • Consider seasonal spikes. Many long-tail keywords have seasonal relevance. For instance, "DIY Halloween costumes for toddlers" or "best budget mineral sunscreen brands" might have zero or low search volumes during off-season months. But they'll see a surge during the spooky season or summer, respectively. By recognizing this seasonality, businesses can prepare content in advance, optimizing for these seemingly low-volume keywords before the peak season.
  • Get ahead of emerging trends. With the fast-paced nature of the internet, new trends emerge (and pass) quickly. A term with zero search volume one month can suddenly explode in popularity due to a viral event, cultural phenomenon or global news. By identifying potential rising trends early, businesses can create content around these zero search volume keywords before they become mainstream. As a result, they may begin establishing authority and continue to rank higher as the trends catch on.
  • Anticipate event-driven searches. Keywords related to specific events, such as an upcoming movie release, a scheduled sports event or a newly announced product, might initially have zero search volume. As the event date nears, searches can spike. By anticipating these events and targeting zero-volume keywords associated with them, businesses can be among the first to provide relevant content in search results, thus capturing the surges in traffic.

Niche or specific topics

  • Target a specific audience. Certain topics cater to a very specific segment of the population. While the overall search volume might be low or even zero, the audience searching for these terms is highly targeted. By focusing on niche keywords, businesses can attract a distinct group of visitors who might be more engaged, more loyal and more likely to convert than a general audience.
  • Appear as search habits evolve. As search engines become more sophisticated and users more search-savvy, there's a trend toward more specific, long-tail searches. These specific search queries often fall into niche categories with zero or low initial search volume. Users often input precise, long-tail queries when they have a distinct need or when they're closer to making a decision. Businesses anticipating and catering to these detailed queries can offer more direct answers, resulting in greater user satisfaction.

Limited audience or geographic location

  • Raise your relevance to hyper-local and geo-specific searches. Some products or services cater to a specific demographic within a limited geographic area. For example, in Anaheim, California, the volume of searchers looking for "easy recipes using canned boysenberries" might be much higher than the global search volume. The nearby Knott's Berry Farm sells plenty of boysenberry products and could inspire park-goers to look for ways to bake and cook with their new favorite berry after buying five cans at the gift shop. Given the precise targeting, such keywords might lead to more traffic and higher conversion rates.
  • Connect by language and dialect patterns. Phrases or terms unique to certain dialects or languages might not have large search volumes. However, they can be immensely relevant to a specific linguistic group. By using these regional or dialect-specific terms, businesses can create a stronger cultural connection with their local audiences.

Using keyword research tools

So where do you start in the search for timely keyword ideas that'll rake in the organic traffic? Keyword research tools. They're pivotal in harnessing the potential of zero search volume keywords for content strategy. These research tools provide insights beyond mere search volume data, shedding light on related queries, seasonal trends and semantic variations.

By analyzing these nuanced data points, content creators can identify overlooked niches or emerging topics. Furthermore, such tools often offer historical data, revealing if a zero search volume keyword is genuinely new or just temporarily in a lull. Keyword research tools serve as compasses, guiding businesses to strategic content opportunities within the realm of zero search volume keywords.

While plenty of keyword tools exist, what sets Rellify apart is a comprehensive understanding and application of holistic keyword strategy. With extensive expertise in keyword trends and a dynamic approach, the company's SEO experts assist in customizing plans targeting keywords that best suit businesses' goals. Though it's only one component of Rellify's robust Content Intelligence application, this company-specific intel makes content strategy and creation significantly more effective.

Zero search volume keywords in the age of generative AI

You can leverage modern technology in this process by using artificial intelligence to test the waters in content creation. Generative AI is capable of quickly producing new content in mere seconds, with very specific parameters. It plays a major role in how Rellify's Article Intelligence and Content Intelligence applications support the success of content teams through their entire process. From topic ideation and keyword strategies to content planning, writing, optimization, publishing, analysis and beyond, end-to-end content development becomes quicker, easier and more efficient while driving the results they desire.

Try out generative AI on the zero search volume keywords you discover in your research. Because you'll be able to produce such a high volume of content in such little time (and with minimal effort), you can publish as much as you'd like just to see what sticks. Look for any trends in which zero- or low-volume keywords are or could be working for you. Then adjust your strategy over time.

Example of zero-search volume keywords in action

Let's look at a real-world example of how to use a zero-volume keyword effectively. Let's say you're a travel agency looking to expand your business and generate traffic through long-form content marketing (blog posts and similar web pages). As you consider how to focus your content, one of your initial keyword ideas is "best hotels in Cancun." The term registers a search volume of 8,100 and a difficulty score of 58. Sounds like a credible option. But after deeper keyword research, you find a similar key phrase, "#1 hotel in Cancun," which registers both a search volume and difficulty score of 0. Prior to reading this article, you might have dismissed its validity. Now you wonder if it's worth considering.

The key here is that these key phrases have similar search intent, and around travel seasons, you may get a significant bump in traffic as some searchers slightly shift their phrasing. In fact, with the more specific keyword phrase "#1 hotel in Cancun," you might even get a different kind of searcher — one who's willing and prepared to pay top dollar for the absolute best accommodations.

Using zero search volume keywords to your advantage

Ready to add zero search volume keywords to your content strategy? Are you just not sure how or where to start? Try leveraging Rellify's advanced analytical capabilities and intuitive insights to not only identify but also optimize these alternative relevant keywords. Doing so, you can position your business to be highly visible in search engines to the right members of your target market.

To learn how Rellify's unique capabilities can benefit your business (and even try it free for 30 days), schedule a quick meeting with one of our experts. With so much to accomplish, you're bound to love the ability to publish high-quality, high-performance content with ease, confidence and results.

About the author

Nora Firestone is a skilled professional with a wealth of experience in writing, communications, marketing and brand development. Her extensive background encompasses newspaper and magazine writing/reporting, talk-radio hosting, commercial voice work, and a range of content creation and editing expertise. Nora’s knowledge and experience greatly contribute to rellify’s ability to deliver exceptional content for its clients.