Enterprise AI-as-a-Service

Rellify is a German-American startup with a strong development department in Germany and a highly efficient sales organization in the USA and Germany. More than 30 international employees combine outstanding competencies to provide Rellify’s customers with a highly innovative, award-winning technology to achieve real competitive advantages within the content development and marketing landscape.

The basis of our offering is the Enterprise AI-as-a-Service Platform based on our patent-pending machine learning technology, which we use to automatically create our AI models. These AI models, or Relliverses™, are enterprise-specific language models embedded in our Rellify platform that enable enterprises to confidently leverage generative AI for end-to-end content development companywide.

For companies who prefer to completely outsource their content production, our Professional Services offering avails them of our entire product range plus the creation of their content by our experienced expert writers and editors.

Rellify offers Content Intelligence on a new level: With our self-developed AI and combined enterprise AI models and Rellify platform, we deliver a new experience in content ideation and significant optimization potentials of your content creation. In short: With Rellify Content Intelligence, you stay ahead of your competition long-term.


Awards & grants


International sites


Employees worldwide

Awards & Grants

Rellify International Tech Award

Rellify Wins International Tech Award for Marketing and Sales

Rellify Inc., the Virginia-based SaaS content marketing company, has won the Best Technology Award in Marketing and Sales in an international competition. According to the judges, which included members of leading educational and research institutions, Rellify’s content platform offers the highest level of innovation, the best value and the most flexibility for the future. The award was granted by Germany’s leading business magazine, WirtschaftsWoche (WiWo).

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BSFZ Innovation Competance award

Innovation Competence awarded by the BSFZ

The BSFZ seal is provided exclusively to companies that conduct research and development as defined by the Research GrantsAct. With the BSFZ seal, companies demonstrate their innovation competence as acknowledged by the BSFZ.

You can find more information about the seal here: https://www.bescheinigung-forschungszulage.de/infothek/bsfz-siegel